For almost 20 years, I have worked hand in hand with local communities, global brands, host governments, and other development and commercial stakeholders to improve sustainability outcomes in raw material supply chains. For the past 11 years, I have developed and led Pact’s renowned responsible supply chain programs, which works with global brands seeking to perform on the leading edge of sustainability and human rights performance.
I am a global authority on responsible mineral sourcing, artisanal & small-scale mining (ASM), supplier diversification and engagement (particularly for women and young people/ 'youth') and local content, effective engagement on child labor, and high-value material supply chain dynamics.
I have worked with global companies and producers across the following sectors: jewelry, beauty, tech (computer hardware, laptops, and mobile phones), electric vehicles, consumer home goods, and global food/ingredient supply chains.
Due to this unique real-world expertise, I teach at Columbia University Law School and Climate School's Center for Sustainable Investment's annual Executive Course on Extractive Industries and its 'massive open online course' (MOOC).
I am a highly innovative thought partner and a pragmatic reformer within traditional industry. I believe that sustainability reforms must have a business case, or else they will not be successful over the long term.
Within smallholder environments, I have an established track record on the following thematic issues:
Responsible sourcing, due diligence, risk management
Environment & biodiversity
Social and economic
See some of my sustainability case studies.
I have direct experience or working familiarity with the following standards and frameworks:
Due diligence frameworks. guidance, and directives:
Disclosures & reporting frameworks
Industry & Commodity Standards
Additional professional or industry standards
Scientific target, classification systems, or protocols
Human rights tools, mechanisms, and frameworks
Past commitments
I have field-based work experience in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mongolia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Venezuela, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. I have visited more than 60 countries.